Stop and pick the Strawberries

strawberries fruit pyo
strawberries fruit pyo

Sixty Seconds with Judi

There are some days when I come to work and I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the farm. Today was one of those days. On this morning I needed to be in extra early for a delivery. I was rushed and hurried and seriously lacking in coffee until I was suddenly stopped by the beautiful landscape in front of me.

The sun was still on the rise in the east, and the clouds were floating freely in a blue sky that hung over a beautiful field of strawberries. I was alone in the field and for that minute I thought these are the moments when I truly appreciate the farm. Don’t misunderstand me; I love my job and what the farm has to offer. However, in the day to day of our business, I sometimes forget about the beauty and life that we are surrounded by. It is so nice to stop and smell the roses, watch a sunrise, or eat a freshly picked strawberry from a field. This is what life is really all about, finding those moments of pure joy that fill your heart and soul.

So bring the family to Linvilla Orchards. Come visit the animals, play in the playground, or go fishing but, most importantly take some time to look at the beauty around you and don’t forget to pick some strawberries.