Finding the Farmer in You

peach pyo fruit
peach pyo fruit

Sixty Seconds with Judi

Imagine this: The sun is rising on a hot, beautiful morning. You head out the door where you faintly hear the roosters making their morning calls. The air smells of hay, freshly mowed grass, and yes, a little manure. You grab your hat, your sunscreen, and a bottle of water and you journey out toward the fields. The tractor begins to rumble as she starts her engine. The day is perfect, the ripe red raspberries peak out from behind their green leaves and you know they are ready for picking. The world seems unspoiled; everything is right, it feels so good down to your very soul.

In our concrete world of stress and responsibilities this may sound like a dream. But we can help make that dream come true. Every day through the summer at Linvilla Orchards we are harvesting our crops. We would love to share with you our very own 330 acre paradise where you can imagine, if only for a day, what it’s like to be a farmer.

Bring your children and let them experience the beauty of farming. Teach them that their food comes from the earth and not the supermarket.  Hop on the tractor drawn hay ride and stop in the tomato fields and pick some red, juicy tomatoes. Plan your dinner and add some freshly picked zucchini or summer squash.  Hide in the tall, beautiful corn fields and pick a few ears of fresh sweet corn. Stop in the strawberry or raspberry fields and pick some berries to serve for desert. Now is the time to come and find the farmer in you!

Pick your own is open daily from 8am to 6:30 pm. Check the pick your own page at to see what is ripe and ready for picking.