Bunny Hoppin’

Sixty Seconds with Judi

I always associate Easter with warm sunny days, fragrant flowers in bloom and the Easter Bunny of course! Well, we have the sunshine, although the air is chilly; we have the flowers, if you look in the Garden Center. But most importantly we have the Easter Bunny!

No matter how early Easter is or how cold the air is here on the farm, we love to celebrate the beauty of the Easter season.  Come take a hayride through the orchard where you will find the Easter Bunny at his house in Bunnyland. The Bunny will visit each child on the wagon, while the Bunny’s helper tells a story and shares jokes. Every person on the wagon receives a treat. The wagon will continue through the orchard, where you can see the farm coming back to life. When you return to the Garden Center, don’t forget to hop inside for a beautiful selection of Easter plants, flowers and décor then hop on over to the market for some homemade chocolate treats, freshly baked breads, pies and of course some carrots for the bunnies in your life. Hayrides to Bunnyland is March 24th to March 31st from 11am to 4pm.

Join us in the Garden Center for:

Our Coconut Oil, Lavender and Sea Salt Scrub is tomorrow, Saturday March 24th at 10am.  Our Garden Center Staff will guide you in making your very own jars of Homemade Lavender Scrub to make your skin smooth for the warmer weather. All supplies are included for $20.  Please call (610) 876-7116 to register.

On Sunday, March 31st at 10am, we have our Build Your Own Terrarium/Fairy Garden Class.  We supply everything you need to build your own beautiful terrarium. You can choose from a variety of containers and plants and our knowledgeable Garden Center staff will guide you through the entire process. Add Fairy Garden Accessories (not included) to make your garden as unique as you are! Please call (610) 876-7116 to register. Fee $35